Core modules in version v5.27.9

v5.27.9 was released in 2018-02-20 , add 2 modules and update 138 modules and remove 1 module
Module name Module version
Amiga::ARexx 0.04
Amiga::Exec 0.02
AnyDBM_File 1.01
App::Cpan 1.67
App::Prove 3.39
App::Prove::State 3.39
App::Prove::State::Result 3.39
App::Prove::State::Result::Test 3.39
Archive::Tar 2.26
Archive::Tar::Constant 2.26
Archive::Tar::File 2.26
Attribute::Handlers 1.01
AutoLoader 5.74
AutoSplit 1.06
B 1.74
B::Concise 1.003
B::Debug deprecated 1.26
B::Deparse 1.47
B::Op_private updated 5.027008 5.027009
B::Showlex 1.05
B::Terse 1.08
B::Xref 1.07
Benchmark 1.22
CPAN 2.20
CPAN::Author 5.5002
CPAN::Bundle 5.5003
CPAN::CacheMgr 5.5002
CPAN::Complete 5.5001
CPAN::Debug 5.5001
CPAN::DeferredCode 5.50
CPAN::Distribution 2.19
CPAN::Distroprefs 6.0001
CPAN::Distrostatus 5.5
CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency 5.5001
CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist 1.001
CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed 5.5
CPAN::Exception::yaml_process_error 5.5
CPAN::FTP 5.5011
CPAN::FTP::netrc 1.01
CPAN::FirstTime 5.5311
CPAN::HTTP::Client 1.9601
CPAN::HTTP::Credentials 1.9601
CPAN::HandleConfig 5.5008
CPAN::Index 2.12
CPAN::InfoObj 5.5
CPAN::Kwalify 5.50
CPAN::LWP::UserAgent 1.9601
CPAN::Meta 2.150010
CPAN::Meta::Converter 2.150010
CPAN::Meta::Feature 2.150010
CPAN::Meta::History 2.150010
CPAN::Meta::Merge 2.150010
CPAN::Meta::Prereqs 2.150010
CPAN::Meta::Requirements 2.140
CPAN::Meta::Spec 2.150010
CPAN::Meta::Validator 2.150010
CPAN::Meta::YAML 0.018
CPAN::Mirrors 2.12
CPAN::Module 5.5003
CPAN::Nox 5.5001
CPAN::Plugin 0.96
CPAN::Plugin::Specfile 0.01
CPAN::Prompt 5.5
CPAN::Queue 5.5002
CPAN::Shell 5.5007
CPAN::Tarzip 5.5012
CPAN::Version 5.5003
Carp updated 1.45 1.46
Carp::Heavy updated 1.45 1.46
Class::Struct 0.65
Compress::Raw::Bzip2 2.074
Compress::Raw::Zlib 2.076
Compress::Zlib 2.074
Config updated 5.027008 5.027009
Config::Extensions 0.02
Config::Perl::V 0.29
Cwd updated 3.72 3.74
DB 1.08
DBM_Filter 0.06
DBM_Filter::compress 0.03
DBM_Filter::encode 0.03
DBM_Filter::int32 0.03
DBM_Filter::null 0.03
DBM_Filter::utf8 0.03
DB_File 1.840
Data::Dumper 2.170
Devel::PPPort updated 3.38 3.39
Devel::Peek 1.27
Devel::SelfStubber 1.06
Digest 1.17_01
Digest::MD5 2.55
Digest::SHA 6.01
Digest::base 1.16
Digest::file 1.16
DirHandle 1.05
Dumpvalue 1.18
DynaLoader 1.45
Encode updated 2.94 2.96
Encode::Alias 2.24
Encode::Byte 2.04
Encode::CJKConstants 2.02
Encode::CN 2.03
Encode::CN::HZ 2.10
Encode::Config 2.05
Encode::EBCDIC 2.02
Encode::Encoder 2.03
Encode::Encoding 2.08
Encode::GSM0338 2.07
Encode::Guess 2.07
Encode::JP 2.04
Encode::JP::H2Z 2.02
Encode::JP::JIS7 2.08
Encode::KR 2.03
Encode::KR::2022_KR 2.04
Encode::MIME::Header 2.28
Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP 1.09
Encode::MIME::Name 1.03
Encode::Symbol 2.02
Encode::TW 2.03
Encode::Unicode updated 2.16 2.17
Encode::Unicode::UTF7 2.10
English 1.10
Env 1.04
Errno updated 1.28 1.29
Exporter 5.72
Exporter::Heavy 5.72
ExtUtils::CBuilder 0.280230
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base 0.280230
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix 0.280230
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS 0.280230
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows 0.280230
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC 0.280230
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC 0.280230
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC 0.280230
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix 0.280230
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::android 0.280230
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin 0.280230
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin 0.280230
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf 0.280230
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2 0.280230
ExtUtils::Command updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::Command::MM updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::Constant 0.24
ExtUtils::Constant::Base 0.06
ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs 0.09
ExtUtils::Constant::Utils 0.04
ExtUtils::Constant::XS 0.03
ExtUtils::Embed 1.35
ExtUtils::Install 2.14
ExtUtils::Installed 2.14
ExtUtils::Liblist updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_AIX updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_Any updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_BeOS updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_DOS updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_Darwin updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_MacOS updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_NW5 updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_OS2 updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_QNX updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_UWIN updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_Unix updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_VMS updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_VOS updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_Win32 updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MM_Win95 updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MY updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MakeMaker updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::regex updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::Manifest 1.70
ExtUtils::Miniperl 1.08
ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::Mksymlists updated 7.30 7.32
ExtUtils::Packlist 2.14
ExtUtils::ParseXS updated 3.36 3.38
ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants updated 3.36 3.38
ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines updated 3.36 3.38
ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval updated 3.36 3.38
ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities updated 3.36 3.38
ExtUtils::Typemaps updated 3.37 3.38
ExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd updated 3.36 3.38
ExtUtils::Typemaps::InputMap updated 3.36 3.38
ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap updated 3.36 3.38
ExtUtils::Typemaps::Type updated 3.36 3.38
ExtUtils::XSSymSet 1.4
ExtUtils::testlib updated 7.30 7.32
Fatal 2.29
Fcntl 1.13
File::Basename 2.85
File::Compare 1.1006
File::Copy 2.33
File::DosGlob 1.12
File::Fetch 0.56
File::Find 1.34
File::Glob 1.30
File::GlobMapper 1.000
File::Path 2.15
File::Spec updated 3.72 3.74
File::Spec::AmigaOS updated 3.72 3.74
File::Spec::Cygwin updated 3.72 3.74
File::Spec::Epoc updated 3.72 3.74
File::Spec::Functions updated 3.72 3.74
File::Spec::Mac updated 3.72 3.74
File::Spec::OS2 updated 3.72 3.74
File::Spec::Unix updated 3.72 3.74
File::Spec::VMS updated 3.72 3.74
File::Spec::Win32 updated 3.72 3.74
File::Temp 0.2304
File::stat 1.08
FileCache 1.10
FileHandle 2.03
Filter::Simple 0.95
Filter::Util::Call 1.58
FindBin 1.51
GDBM_File 1.17
Getopt::Long 2.5
Getopt::Std 1.12
HTTP::Tiny 0.070
Hash::Util 0.22
Hash::Util::FieldHash 1.20
I18N::Collate 1.02
I18N::LangTags 0.43
I18N::LangTags::Detect 1.07
I18N::LangTags::List 0.40
I18N::Langinfo 0.15
IO 1.38
IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2 2.074
IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate 2.074
IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity 2.074
IO::Compress::Base 2.074
IO::Compress::Base::Common 2.074
IO::Compress::Bzip2 2.074
IO::Compress::Deflate 2.074
IO::Compress::Gzip 2.074
IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants 2.074
IO::Compress::RawDeflate 2.074
IO::Compress::Zip 2.074
IO::Compress::Zip::Constants 2.074
IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants 2.074
IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra 2.074
IO::Dir 1.10
IO::File 1.16
IO::Handle 1.37
IO::Pipe 1.15
IO::Poll 0.10
IO::Seekable 1.10
IO::Select 1.23
IO::Socket 1.38
IO::Socket::INET 1.35
IO::Socket::IP 0.39
IO::Socket::UNIX 1.26
IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2 2.074
IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity 2.074
IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate 2.074
IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate 2.074
IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress 2.074
IO::Uncompress::Base 2.074
IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 2.074
IO::Uncompress::Gunzip 2.074
IO::Uncompress::Inflate 2.074
IO::Uncompress::RawInflate 2.074
IO::Uncompress::Unzip 2.074
IO::Zlib 1.10
IPC::Cmd updated 0.98 1.00
IPC::Msg 2.07
IPC::Open2 1.04
IPC::Open3 1.20
IPC::Semaphore 2.07
IPC::SharedMem 2.07
IPC::SysV 2.07
JSON::PP 2.97001
JSON::PP::Boolean 2.97001
List::Util 1.49
List::Util::XS 1.49
Locale::Codes 3.55
Locale::Codes::Constants 3.55
Locale::Codes::Country 3.55
Locale::Codes::Country_Codes 3.55
Locale::Codes::Country_Retired 3.55
Locale::Codes::Currency 3.55
Locale::Codes::Currency_Codes 3.55
Locale::Codes::Currency_Retired 3.55
Locale::Codes::LangExt 3.55
Locale::Codes::LangExt_Codes 3.55
Locale::Codes::LangExt_Retired 3.55
Locale::Codes::LangFam 3.55
Locale::Codes::LangFam_Codes 3.55
Locale::Codes::LangFam_Retired 3.55
Locale::Codes::LangVar 3.55
Locale::Codes::LangVar_Codes 3.55
Locale::Codes::LangVar_Retired 3.55
Locale::Codes::Language 3.55
Locale::Codes::Language_Codes 3.55
Locale::Codes::Language_Retired 3.55
Locale::Codes::Script 3.55
Locale::Codes::Script_Codes 3.55
Locale::Codes::Script_Retired 3.55
Locale::Country 3.55
Locale::Currency 3.55
Locale::Language 3.55
Locale::Maketext 1.29
Locale::Maketext::Guts 1.20
Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader 1.20
Locale::Maketext::Simple 0.21_01
Locale::Script 3.55
MIME::Base64 3.15
MIME::QuotedPrint 3.13
Math::BigFloat 1.999811
Math::BigFloat::Trace updated 0.47 0.49
Math::BigInt 1.999811
Math::BigInt::Calc 1.999811
Math::BigInt::CalcEmu 1.999811
Math::BigInt::FastCalc 0.5006
Math::BigInt::Lib 1.999811
Math::BigInt::Trace updated 0.47 0.49
Math::BigRat 0.2613
Math::Complex 1.5901
Math::Trig 1.23
Memoize 1.03_01
Memoize::AnyDBM_File 1.03
Memoize::Expire 1.03
Memoize::ExpireFile 1.03
Memoize::ExpireTest 1.03
Memoize::NDBM_File 1.03
Memoize::SDBM_File 1.03
Memoize::Storable 1.03
Module::CoreList updated 5.20180120 5.20180220
Module::CoreList::Utils updated 5.20180120 5.20180220
Module::Load 0.32
Module::Load::Conditional 0.68
Module::Loaded 0.08
Module::Metadata 1.000033
Moped::Msg 0.01
NDBM_File 1.14
NEXT 0.67_01
Net::Cmd 3.11
Net::Config 3.11
Net::Domain 3.11
Net::FTP 3.11
Net::FTP::A 3.11
Net::FTP::E 3.11
Net::FTP::I 3.11
Net::FTP::L 3.11
Net::FTP::dataconn 3.11
Net::NNTP 3.11
Net::Netrc 3.11
Net::POP3 3.11
Net::Ping 2.62
Net::SMTP 3.11
Net::Time 3.11
Net::hostent 1.02
Net::netent 1.01
Net::protoent 1.01
Net::servent 1.02
O 1.03
ODBM_File 1.15
OS2::DLL 1.07
OS2::ExtAttr 0.04
OS2::PrfDB 0.04
OS2::Process 1.12
OS2::REXX 1.05
Opcode 1.43
POSIX updated 1.81 1.82
Params::Check 0.38
Parse::CPAN::Meta 2.150010
Perl::OSType 1.010
PerlIO 1.10
PerlIO::encoding updated 0.25 0.26
PerlIO::mmap 0.016
PerlIO::scalar 0.29
PerlIO::via 0.17
PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint 0.08
Pod::Checker 1.73
Pod::Escapes 1.07
Pod::Find 1.63
Pod::Functions 1.13
Pod::Functions::Functions 1.13
Pod::Html 1.24
Pod::InputObjects 1.63
Pod::Man 4.10
Pod::ParseLink 4.10
Pod::ParseUtils 1.63
Pod::Parser 1.63
Pod::Perldoc 3.2801
Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo 3.28
Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO 3.28
Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI 3.28
Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker 3.28
Pod::Perldoc::ToMan 3.28
Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff 3.28
Pod::Perldoc::ToPod 3.28
Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf 3.28
Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm 3.28
Pod::Perldoc::ToText 3.28
Pod::Perldoc::ToTk 3.28
Pod::Perldoc::ToXml 3.28
Pod::PlainText 2.07
Pod::Select 1.63
Pod::Simple 3.35
Pod::Simple::BlackBox 3.35
Pod::Simple::Checker 3.35
Pod::Simple::Debug 3.35
Pod::Simple::DumpAsText 3.35
Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML 3.35
Pod::Simple::HTML 3.35
Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch 3.35
Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy 5.01
Pod::Simple::LinkSection 3.35
Pod::Simple::Methody 3.35
Pod::Simple::Progress 3.35
Pod::Simple::PullParser 3.35
Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken 3.35
Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken 3.35
Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken 3.35
Pod::Simple::PullParserToken 3.35
Pod::Simple::RTF 3.35
Pod::Simple::Search 3.35
Pod::Simple::SimpleTree 3.35
Pod::Simple::Text 3.35
Pod::Simple::TextContent 3.35
Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH 3.35
Pod::Simple::Transcode 3.35
Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb 3.35
Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart 3.35
Pod::Simple::XHTML 3.35
Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream 3.35
Pod::Text 4.10
Pod::Text::Color 4.10
Pod::Text::Overstrike 4.10
Pod::Text::Termcap 4.10
Pod::Usage 1.69
SDBM_File 1.14
Safe 2.40
Scalar::Util 1.49
Search::Dict 1.07
SelectSaver 1.02
SelfLoader 1.25
Socket 2.027
Storable updated 2.65 3.06
Storable::Limit first released
Sub::Util 1.49
Symbol 1.08
Sys::Hostname 1.22
Sys::Syslog 0.35
TAP::Base 3.39
TAP::Formatter::Base 3.39
TAP::Formatter::Color 3.39
TAP::Formatter::Console 3.39
TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession 3.39
TAP::Formatter::Console::Session 3.39
TAP::Formatter::File 3.39
TAP::Formatter::File::Session 3.39
TAP::Formatter::Session 3.39
TAP::Harness 3.39
TAP::Harness::Env 3.39
TAP::Object 3.39
TAP::Parser 3.39
TAP::Parser::Aggregator 3.39
TAP::Parser::Grammar 3.39
TAP::Parser::Iterator 3.39
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array 3.39
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process 3.39
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream 3.39
TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory 3.39
TAP::Parser::Multiplexer 3.39
TAP::Parser::Result 3.39
TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout 3.39
TAP::Parser::Result::Comment 3.39
TAP::Parser::Result::Plan 3.39
TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma 3.39
TAP::Parser::Result::Test 3.39
TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown 3.39
TAP::Parser::Result::Version 3.39
TAP::Parser::Result::YAML 3.39
TAP::Parser::ResultFactory 3.39
TAP::Parser::Scheduler 3.39
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job 3.39
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner 3.39
TAP::Parser::Source 3.39
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler 3.39
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable 3.39
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File 3.39
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle 3.39
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl 3.39
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP 3.39
TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader 3.39
TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer 3.39
Term::ANSIColor 4.06
Term::Cap 1.17
Term::Complete 1.403
Term::ReadLine 1.17
Test 1.31
Test2 updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::API updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::API::Breakage updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::API::Context updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::API::Instance updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::API::Stack updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::Bail updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::Diag updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::Encoding updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::Exception updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::Fail updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::Generic updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::Note updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::Ok updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::Pass updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::Plan updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::Skip updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::Subtest updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::TAP::Version updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Event::Waiting updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::EventFacet updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::EventFacet::About updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::EventFacet::Amnesty updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::EventFacet::Assert updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::EventFacet::Control updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::EventFacet::Error updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::EventFacet::Info updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::EventFacet::Meta updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::EventFacet::Parent updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::EventFacet::Plan updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::EventFacet::Render first released 1.302122
Test2::EventFacet::Trace updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Formatter updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Formatter::TAP updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Hub updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Hub::Interceptor updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Hub::Interceptor::Terminator updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Hub::Subtest updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::IPC updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::IPC::Driver updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::IPC::Driver::Files updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Tools::Tiny updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Util updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Util::ExternalMeta updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Util::Facets2Legacy updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Util::HashBase updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test2::Util::Trace updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test::Builder updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test::Builder::Formatter updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test::Builder::IO::Scalar 2.114
Test::Builder::Module updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test::Builder::Tester updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test::Builder::Tester::Color updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test::Builder::TodoDiag updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test::Harness 3.39
Test::More updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test::Simple updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test::Tester updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test::Tester::Capture updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test::Tester::CaptureRunner updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test::Tester::Delegate updated 1.302120 1.302122
Test::use::ok updated 1.302120 1.302122
Text::Abbrev 1.02
Text::Balanced 2.03
Text::ParseWords 3.30
Text::Tabs 2013.0523
Text::Wrap 2013.0523
Thread 3.04
Thread::Queue 3.12
Thread::Semaphore 2.13
Tie::Array 1.07
Tie::File 1.02
Tie::Handle 4.2
Tie::Hash 1.05
Tie::Hash::NamedCapture 0.10
Tie::Memoize 1.1
Tie::RefHash 1.39
Tie::Scalar 1.04
Tie::StdHandle 4.5
Tie::SubstrHash 1.00
Time::HiRes updated 1.9752 1.9753
Time::Local 1.25
Time::Piece 1.3203
Time::Seconds 1.3203
Time::gmtime 1.04
Time::localtime 1.03
Time::tm 1.00
Unicode 10.0.0
Unicode::Collate 1.25
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5 1.25
Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312 1.25
Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208 1.25
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean 1.25
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin 1.25
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke 1.25
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Zhuyin 1.25
Unicode::Collate::Locale 1.25
Unicode::Normalize 1.26
Unicode::UCD 0.70
User::grent 1.02
User::pwent 1.01
VMS::DCLsym 1.09
VMS::Filespec 1.12
VMS::Stdio 2.44
Win32 0.52
Win32API::File 0.1203
Win32CORE 0.04
XS::APItest updated 0.95 0.96
XS::Typemap 0.16
XSLoader 0.30
_charnames 1.45
arybase 0.15
attributes 0.32
autodie 2.29
autodie::Scope::Guard 2.29
autodie::Scope::GuardStack 2.29
autodie::Util 2.29
autodie::exception 2.29002
autodie::exception::system 2.29
autodie::hints 2.29001
autodie::skip 2.29
autouse 1.11
base 2.27
bigint updated 0.47 0.49
bignum updated 0.47 0.49
bigrat updated 0.47 0.49
blib 1.07
bytes 1.05
charnames 1.45
constant 1.33
deprecate 0.03
diagnostics 1.36
encoding updated 2.21 2.22
encoding::warnings 0.13
experimental 0.019
feature 1.51
fields 2.24
filetest 1.03
if updated 0.0607 0.0608
integer 1.01
less 0.03
lib 0.64
locale 1.09
mro updated 1.21 1.22
ok updated 1.302120 1.302122
open 1.11
ops 1.02
overload 1.30
overloading 0.02
parent 0.236
perlfaq 5.021011
re 0.36
sigtrap 1.08
sort 2.04
strict 1.11
subs 1.02
threads updated 2.21 2.22
threads::shared 1.58
utf8 1.21
vars 1.03
version 0.9918
version::regex 0.9918
vmsish 1.04
warnings updated 1.40 1.41
warnings::register 1.04

Removed modules in version v5.27.9