Core modules in version v5.13.3

v5.13.3 was released in 2010-07-20 , add 7 modules and update 161 modules and remove 1 module
Module name Module version
AnyDBM_File 1.00
App::Cpan 1.5701
App::Prove updated 3.17 3.21
App::Prove::State updated 3.17 3.21
App::Prove::State::Result updated 3.17 3.21
App::Prove::State::Result::Test updated 3.17 3.21
Archive::Extract updated 0.38 0.42
Archive::Tar updated 1.54 1.64
Archive::Tar::Constant updated 0.02 1.64
Archive::Tar::File updated 0.02 1.64
Attribute::Handlers updated 0.87 0.88
AutoLoader 5.70
AutoSplit 1.06
B 1.23
B::Concise 0.79
B::Debug 1.12
B::Deparse 0.98
B::Lint 1.11_01
B::Lint::Debug 0.01
B::Showlex 1.02
B::Terse 1.05
B::Xref 1.02
Benchmark 1.11
CGI 3.49
CGI::Apache 1.01
CGI::Carp 3.45
CGI::Cookie 1.29
CGI::Fast 1.08
CGI::Pretty 3.46
CGI::Push 1.04
CGI::Switch 1.01
CGI::Util 3.48
CPAN 1.94_57
CPAN::Author 5.5
CPAN::Bundle 5.5
CPAN::CacheMgr 5.5
CPAN::Complete 5.5
CPAN::Debug 5.5001
CPAN::DeferredCode 5.50
CPAN::Distribution 1.9600
CPAN::Distroprefs 6
CPAN::Distrostatus 5.5
CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency 5.5
CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist 1.0
CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed 5.5
CPAN::FTP 5.5004
CPAN::FTP::netrc 1.00
CPAN::FirstTime 5.5301
CPAN::HandleConfig 5.5001
CPAN::Index 1.94
CPAN::InfoObj 5.5
CPAN::Kwalify 5.50
CPAN::LWP::UserAgent 1.94
CPAN::Mirrors 1.77
CPAN::Module 5.5
CPAN::Nox 5.50
CPAN::Prompt 5.5
CPAN::Queue 5.5
CPAN::Shell 5.5001
CPAN::Tarzip 5.5011
CPAN::Version 5.5
CPANPLUS updated 0.90 0.9007
CPANPLUS::Dist::Build 0.46
CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants 0.46
CPANPLUS::Internals updated 0.90 0.9007
CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic 0.0562
CPANPLUS::Shell::Default updated 0.90 0.9007
Carp 1.16
Carp::Heavy 1.16
Class::Struct 0.63
Compress::Raw::Bzip2 updated 2.024 2.027
Compress::Raw::Zlib updated 2.024 2.027_01
Compress::Zlib updated 2.024 2.027
Config::Extensions 0.01
Cwd 3.31
DB updated 1.02 1.03
DBM_Filter 0.03
DBM_Filter::compress 0.02
DBM_Filter::encode 0.02
DBM_Filter::int32 0.02
DBM_Filter::null 0.02
DBM_Filter::utf8 0.02
DB_File 1.820
Data::Dumper 2.126
Devel::DProf 20080331.00
Devel::InnerPackage 0.3
Devel::PPPort 3.19
Devel::Peek 1.04
Devel::SelfStubber 1.03
Digest 1.16
Digest::MD5 updated 2.39 2.40
Digest::SHA updated 5.47 5.48
Digest::base 1.16
Digest::file 1.16
DirHandle 1.03
Dumpvalue 1.14
DynaLoader 1.10
Encode 2.39
Encode::Alias 2.12
Encode::Byte 2.04
Encode::CJKConstants 2.02
Encode::CN 2.03
Encode::CN::HZ 2.05
Encode::Config 2.05
Encode::EBCDIC 2.02
Encode::Encoder 2.01
Encode::Encoding 2.05
Encode::GSM0338 2.01
Encode::Guess 2.03
Encode::JP 2.04
Encode::JP::H2Z 2.02
Encode::JP::JIS7 2.04
Encode::KR 2.03
Encode::KR::2022_KR 2.02
Encode::MIME::Header 2.11
Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP 1.03
Encode::MIME::Name 1.01
Encode::Symbol 2.02
Encode::TW 2.03
Encode::Unicode 2.07
Encode::Unicode::UTF7 2.04
English 1.04
Env 1.01
Errno 1.12
Exporter updated 5.64_02 5.64_03
Exporter::Heavy updated 5.64_02 5.64_03
ExtUtils::CBuilder updated 0.27 0.2703
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base updated 0.27 0.2703_01
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix updated 0.27 0.2703
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS updated 0.27 0.2703
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows updated 0.27 0.2703
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC updated 0.27 0.2703
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC updated 0.27 0.2703
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC updated 0.27 0.2703
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix updated 0.27 0.2703
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin updated 0.27 0.2703
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin updated 0.27 0.2703
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf updated 0.27 0.2703
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2 updated 0.27 0.2703
ExtUtils::Command 1.16
ExtUtils::Command::MM 6.56
ExtUtils::Constant 0.22
ExtUtils::Constant::Base 0.04
ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs 0.06
ExtUtils::Constant::Utils 0.02
ExtUtils::Constant::XS 0.03
ExtUtils::Embed 1.28
ExtUtils::Install 1.55
ExtUtils::Installed 1.999_001
ExtUtils::Liblist 6.56
ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid 6.56
ExtUtils::MM 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_AIX 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_Any 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_BeOS 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_DOS 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_Darwin 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_MacOS 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_NW5 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_OS2 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_QNX 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_UWIN 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_Unix 6.5601
ExtUtils::MM_VMS 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_VOS 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_Win32 6.56
ExtUtils::MM_Win95 6.56
ExtUtils::MY 6.56
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.5601
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config 6.56
ExtUtils::Manifest updated 1.57 1.58
ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap 6.56
ExtUtils::Mksymlists 6.56
ExtUtils::Packlist 1.44
ExtUtils::ParseXS updated 2.2205 2.2206
ExtUtils::XSSymSet 1.1
ExtUtils::testlib 6.56
Fatal updated 2.06_01 2.10
Fcntl 1.06
File::Basename updated 2.78 2.79
File::CheckTree 4.4
File::Compare 1.1006
File::Copy updated 2.19 2.20
File::DosGlob updated 1.01 1.02
File::Fetch 0.24
File::Find updated 1.16 1.17
File::Glob updated 1.07 1.08
File::GlobMapper 1.000
File::Path 2.08_01
File::Spec 3.31
File::Spec::Cygwin 3.30
File::Spec::Epoc 3.30
File::Spec::Functions 3.30
File::Spec::Mac 3.30
File::Spec::OS2 3.30
File::Spec::Unix 3.30
File::Spec::VMS 3.30
File::Spec::Win32 3.30
File::Temp 0.22
File::stat updated 1.02 1.03
FileCache 1.08
FileHandle 2.02
Filter::Simple 0.84
Filter::Util::Call 1.08
FindBin 1.50
GDBM_File 1.10
Getopt::Long 2.38
Getopt::Std 1.06
Hash::Util 0.08
Hash::Util::FieldHash 1.04
I18N::Collate 1.01
I18N::LangTags updated 0.35 0.35_01
I18N::LangTags::Detect 1.04
I18N::LangTags::List updated 0.35 0.35_01
I18N::Langinfo 0.03
IO 1.25_02
IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2 updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Compress::Base updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Compress::Base::Common updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Compress::Bzip2 updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Compress::Deflate updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Compress::Gzip updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Compress::RawDeflate updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Compress::Zip updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Compress::Zip::Constants updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Dir 1.07
IO::File 1.14
IO::Handle 1.28
IO::Pipe 1.13
IO::Poll 0.07
IO::Seekable 1.10
IO::Select 1.17
IO::Socket 1.32
IO::Socket::INET 1.31
IO::Socket::UNIX 1.23
IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2 updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Uncompress::Base updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Uncompress::Gunzip updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Uncompress::Inflate updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Uncompress::RawInflate updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Uncompress::Unzip updated 2.024 2.027
IO::Zlib 1.10
IPC::Cmd updated 0.58 0.60
IPC::Msg updated 2.01 2.03
IPC::Open2 1.03
IPC::Open3 1.06
IPC::Semaphore updated 2.01 2.03
IPC::SharedMem updated 2.01 2.03
IPC::SysV updated 2.01 2.03
List::Util 1.23
List::Util::PP 1.23
List::Util::XS 1.23
Locale::Codes 3.13
Locale::Codes::Country 3.13
Locale::Codes::Currency 3.13
Locale::Codes::Language 3.13
Locale::Codes::Script 3.13
Locale::Constants 3.13
Locale::Country 3.13
Locale::Currency 3.13
Locale::Language 3.13
Locale::Maketext updated 1.14 1.15
Locale::Maketext::Simple 0.21
Locale::Script 3.13
Log::Message 0.02
Log::Message::Config 0.01
Log::Message::Simple 0.06
MIME::Base64 3.09
MIME::QuotedPrint 3.09
Math::BigFloat 1.60
Math::BigFloat::Trace 0.01
Math::BigInt 1.89_01
Math::BigInt::Calc 0.52
Math::BigInt::CalcEmu 0.05
Math::BigInt::FastCalc 0.19
Math::BigInt::Trace 0.01
Math::BigRat 0.24
Math::Complex 1.56
Math::Trig 1.2
Memoize 1.01_03
Memoize::AnyDBM_File 0.65
Memoize::Expire 1.00
Memoize::ExpireFile 1.01
Memoize::ExpireTest 0.65
Memoize::NDBM_File 0.65
Memoize::SDBM_File 0.65
Memoize::Storable 0.65
Module::Build updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Base updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Compat updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Config updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Cookbook updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Dumper updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::ModuleInfo updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Notes updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::PPMMaker updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::Amiga updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::Default updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::MacOS updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::Unix updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::VMS updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::VOS updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::Windows updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::aix updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::cygwin updated 0.360301 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::darwin updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Platform::os2 updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::PodParser updated 0.3603 0.3607
Module::Build::Version 0.77
Module::Build::YAML 1.40
Module::CoreList updated 2.34 2.36
Module::Load updated 0.16 0.18
Module::Load::Conditional 0.38
Module::Loaded 0.06
Module::Pluggable 3.9
Module::Pluggable::Object 3.9
Moped::Msg 0.01
NDBM_File 1.08
NEXT 0.64
Net::Cmd 2.29
Net::Config 1.11
Net::Domain 2.20
Net::FTP 2.77
Net::FTP::A 1.18
Net::FTP::E 0.01
Net::FTP::I 1.12
Net::FTP::L 0.01
Net::FTP::dataconn 0.11
Net::NNTP 2.24
Net::Netrc 2.12
Net::POP3 2.29
Net::Ping 2.36
Net::SMTP 2.31
Net::Time 2.10
Net::hostent 1.01
Net::netent 1.00
Net::protoent 1.00
Net::servent 1.01
O 1.01
ODBM_File 1.07
OS2::DLL 1.04
OS2::ExtAttr 0.02
OS2::PrfDB 0.04
OS2::Process 1.04
OS2::REXX 1.04
Object::Accessor 0.36
Opcode 1.15
POSIX 1.19
Package::Constants 0.02
Params::Check 0.26
Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.40
PerlIO 1.06
PerlIO::encoding 0.12
PerlIO::scalar 0.08
PerlIO::via 0.09
PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint 0.06
Pod::Checker 1.45
Pod::Escapes 1.04
Pod::Find 1.35
Pod::Functions 1.04
Pod::Html 1.09
Pod::InputObjects 1.31
Pod::LaTeX 0.58
Pod::Man 2.23
Pod::ParseLink 1.10
Pod::ParseUtils 1.36
Pod::Parser 1.37
Pod::Perldoc 3.15_02
Pod::PlainText 2.04
Pod::Select 1.36
Pod::Simple 3.14
Pod::Simple::BlackBox 3.14
Pod::Simple::Checker 3.14
Pod::Simple::Debug 3.14
Pod::Simple::DumpAsText 3.14
Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML 3.14
Pod::Simple::HTML 3.14
Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch 3.14
Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy 5.01
Pod::Simple::LinkSection 3.14
Pod::Simple::Methody 3.14
Pod::Simple::Progress 3.14
Pod::Simple::PullParser 3.14
Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken 3.14
Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken 3.14
Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken 3.14
Pod::Simple::PullParserToken 3.14
Pod::Simple::RTF 3.14
Pod::Simple::Search 3.14
Pod::Simple::SimpleTree 3.14
Pod::Simple::Text 3.14
Pod::Simple::TextContent 3.14
Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH 3.14
Pod::Simple::Transcode 3.14
Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb 3.14
Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart 3.14
Pod::Simple::XHTML 3.14
Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream 3.14
Pod::Text 3.14
Pod::Text::Color 2.06
Pod::Text::Overstrike 2.04
Pod::Text::Termcap 2.06
Pod::Usage 1.36
SDBM_File 1.06
Safe 2.27
Scalar::Util 1.23
Scalar::Util::PP 1.23
Search::Dict 1.03
SelectSaver 1.02
SelfLoader 1.17
Shell deprecated 0.72_01
Socket 1.89
Storable 2.22
Symbol 1.07
Sys::Hostname 1.11
Sys::Syslog 0.27
TAP::Base updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Formatter::Base updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Formatter::Color updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Formatter::Console updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Formatter::Console::Session updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Formatter::File updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Formatter::File::Session updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Formatter::Session updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Harness updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Object updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Aggregator updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Grammar updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Iterator updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Multiplexer updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Result updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Result::Comment updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Result::Plan updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Result::Test updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Result::Version updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Result::YAML updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::ResultFactory updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Scheduler updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::Source updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler first released 3.21
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable first released 3.21
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File first released 3.21
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle first released 3.21
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl first released 3.21
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP first released 3.21
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP first released 3.21
TAP::Parser::Utils updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader updated 3.17 3.21
TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer updated 3.17 3.21
Term::ANSIColor updated 2.02 3.00
Term::Cap 1.12
Term::Complete 1.402
Term::ReadLine updated 1.06 1.07
Term::UI 0.20
Test 1.25_02
Test::Builder 0.94
Test::Builder::Module 0.94
Test::Builder::Tester 1.18
Test::Builder::Tester::Color 1.18
Test::Harness updated 3.17 3.21
Test::More 0.94
Test::Simple 0.94
Text::Abbrev 1.01
Text::Balanced 2.02
Text::ParseWords 3.27
Text::Soundex 3.03_01
Text::Tabs 2009.0305
Text::Wrap 2009.0305
Thread 3.02
Thread::Queue 2.11
Thread::Semaphore 2.11
Tie::Array updated 1.03 1.04
Tie::File 0.97_02
Tie::Handle 4.2
Tie::Hash 1.03
Tie::Hash::NamedCapture 0.06
Tie::Memoize 1.1
Tie::RefHash 1.38
Tie::Scalar 1.02
Tie::StdHandle 4.2
Tie::SubstrHash 1.00
Time::HiRes updated 1.9719 1.9721
Time::Local 1.1901_01
Time::Piece updated 1.15_01 1.20_01
Time::gmtime 1.03
Time::localtime 1.02
Time::tm 1.00
Unicode 5.2.0
Unicode::Collate updated 0.52_01 0.53
Unicode::Normalize updated 1.03 1.06
Unicode::UCD updated 0.28 0.29
User::grent 1.01
User::pwent 1.00
VMS::DCLsym 1.04
VMS::Filespec 1.12
VMS::Stdio 2.4
Win32 0.39
Win32API::File 0.1101
Win32API::File::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl 1
Win32CORE 0.02
XS::APItest 0.19
XS::APItest::KeywordRPN 0.004
XS::Typemap 0.03
XSLoader 0.10
attributes 0.12
autodie updated 2.06_01 2.10
autodie::exception updated 2.06_01 2.10
autodie::exception::system updated 2.06_01 2.10
autodie::hints updated 2.06_01 2.10
autouse 1.06
base 2.15
bigint 0.23
bignum 0.23
bigrat 0.23
blib updated 1.04 1.05
bytes 1.04
charnames updated 1.08 1.11
constant 1.20
deprecate 0.01
diagnostics updated 1.19 1.20
encoding 2.6_01
encoding::warnings 0.11
feature 1.17
fields 2.15
filetest 1.02
if 0.05
inc::latest updated 0.3603 0.3607
integer 1.00
less 0.03
lib updated 0.62 0.63
locale 1.00
mro 1.03
open 1.07
ops 1.02
overload 1.10
overloading 0.01
parent 0.223
re updated 0.11 0.12
sigtrap 1.04
sort 2.01
strict 1.04
subs 1.00
threads updated 1.77_02 1.77_03
threads::shared updated 1.33_01 1.33_02
utf8 1.08
vars updated 1.01 1.02
version 0.82
vmsish 1.02
warnings updated 1.09 1.10
warnings::register 1.01

Removed modules in version v5.13.3